Lone figure

by Marian Tooke


A.   Solution for oral hygiene? (4,4,5,3,4,4,2,5)

B.   Weather map information

C.   Having rungs

D.   Work hard (4,4,4,2,3,10)

E.   Jack Johnson was the best in history

F.   Protectively covered

G.   Richard Paul story (with "The") (9,3)

H.   Oil, investments or radio

I.   One of these will make you giddy (5,4)

J.   ------- maia (Stone crab)

K.   Earliest stage of maturity

L.   Not an enthusiast

M.   Book by Oliver Goldsmith (3,6,2,7)

N.   Sometimes it`s the end of the month

O.   Kind of boxer

P.   Revisor in shape? (6,3)

Q.   Under your thumb? (6,6,4,5,6)

R.   Military company

S.   Jesus` answer to temptation (3,4,3,4,2,5,5)

T.   Anticipate

U.   A widely cultivated Asian evergreen shrub

V.   Scentless

W.   Renegade

X.   Gives me a good feeling (5,3,7,2,2,5)

Y.   Strike mother (3,2)

Z.   Time for bed? (1,2,5)

AA.   A worm armed with spines

AB.   LXXX times