Late starter?

by Marian Tooke


A.   First day of Lent (2 wds)

B.   Profitable

C.   William Faulkner novel (2 wds)

D.   "Physician, heal --------"

E.   Inland sea of northeastern Canada (2 wds)

F.   Positively charged electrode

G.   In the main

H.   Disparate

I.   Gingernob

J.   Place known to the Romans as Vectis (3 wds)

K.   Shady

L.   "If all the year were playing holidays, To sport
would be as ---------- as to work." Henry IV

M.   Dish enjoyed in Dublin (2 wds)

N.   Lacking bite

O.   Port of northern Chile

P.   Stephen King novel (2 wds)

Q.   The power or sense of hearing

R.   "Degenerate Douglas! oh, the ----- lord! " William

S.   Lugged

T.   Female singer who got quite physical (Full name)

U.   In a self-concious way

V.   Swarm, plague

W.   One characterized by active hostility

X.   One of the fushia family

Y.   O. Henry tale (4 wds, with "The")

Z.   Attraction

AA.   Bring to rest

AB.   Conservatory

AC.   Pudding or terrier