Fruitful thinking

by Marian Tooke


A.   Mid-Lent Sunday custom

B.   Walking on air (3 wds)

C.   Slow-flying slaty-black water bird

D.   One of the rose family

E.   Supplements

F.   Reverberant

G.   Fore-and-aft

H.   "I am like an electric eel in a ---- full of flatfish"
Edith Sitwell

I.   From quick recollection (6 wds)

J.   Spherical mass of iron, with a long handle, used
to heat tar

K.   Olmsted`s field (2 wds)

L.   Land of the long white cloud

M.   Napoleonic denial (3 wds)

N.   Caisson disease

O.   Danny DeVito comedy set in Wall Street (3 wds)

P.   Sacred text

Q.   "As I look ------, I am filled with foreboding"
Enoch Powell

R.   Governor of Judea in the fifth century B.C.

S.   One of the Ornithogalum family (2 wds, 1 hyph)

T.   Complete; total

U.   Inelegance

V.   Oscar winner for best supporting actor in "Cocoon"
(2 wds)

W.   Frequency of some periodicals (2 wds)

X.   Politic

Y.   Boxing at close quarters

Z.   Send off again

AA.   Phylum of invertebrate animals