Flash Spores

by Marian Tooke


A.   Himalayan beardless wild goat

B.   Fiddlehead (2 wds)

C.   Plant or confectionary

D.   Toxic component in pennyroyal oil

E.   Peninsula in SE China

F.   She was sacrificed in the Boeotian harbour of Aulis

G.   Poisonous plant of the potato family

H.   Plant used as rangeland forage and hay

I.   Capable of being sounded

J.   Taxus baccata (2 wds)

K.   Velvet bean

L.   Sea onion (2 wds)

M.   Longtime U.S. musical comedy star (2 wds)

N.   Kindling

O.   Maze designed by Daedalus at Knossos in Crete

P.   Morning glory

Q.   Name given to the series of sandstones and schists
overlying the true nummulitic formation in the Alps

R.   Laid down

S.   Stovepipe (2 wds)

T.   Animal that eats mainly fruit

U.   Instrument for drawing graphs

V.   Plant disease (2 wds)

W.   Bean counter

X.   Mesh

Y.   Keep score

Z.   Purple-flowered crocus