
by Marian Tooke


A.   Upset

B.   Showing good judgement (hyph)

C.   Spic and span

D.   Requiring a great deal of toil (hyph)

E.   Ram`s head action

F.   Not diminished in intensity

G.   Be penitent

H.   Spanky and Our Gang hit "Sunday Will ___" (4 wds)

I.   Holiday resort on the Island of Gozo, Malta

J.   Form of energy emitted by charged particles (2 wds)

K.   Accomplishment

L.   Allowance for one day

M.   Thin curved lens

N.   Imperial unit used by James Watt

O.   Embroider

P.   Out of order (3 wds)

Q.   Donor for Daniel Boone`s hat

R.   Luther Vandross love song (3 wds)

S.   Chubby Checker classic (3 wds)

T.   Swamp buggy (2 wds)

U.   Fall asleep (2 wds)

V.   He plays a `Cheers` barstool regular (2 wds)

W.   Multitude

X.   Golf-playing actor with a famous father (2 wds,1

Y.   Promise (3 wds)

Z.   Water supply for Babylon (2 wds)