By any other name...

by Phelps Gates


A.   emitting light without heat

B.   Age of Reason

C.   "_____ knows a lot about that!" PBS series (5 wds)

D.   Ivory Coast`s national soccer team (after "The")

E.   type of bicycle pedal with metal teeth (2 wds or

F.   the rulers of certain princely states of South Asia
(var. sp.)

G.   paradigms of moral uprightness

H.   playful

I.   like the seats on a rowboat

J.   actress Mimieux

K.   unsown

L.   bad for you

M.   chatted idly, gossiped

N.   manual laborer, originally on a canal (chiefly Brit.)

O.   1951 Nobel Prize was awarded for a vaccine for this
disease (2 wds)

P.   applied a twisting force to

Q.   1902 song (6 wds); 1949 film (5 wds)

R.   deadly weapon for Samson (Judges 15:16)

S.   blue pencil marks

T.   "__ Major": rap artist (d. 2008)