An excellent idea!

by Phelps Gates


A.   manages despite the absence of (2 wds)

B.   without delay

C.   bite vigorously

D.   Huey Long

E.   promiscuous young women (esp. Brit.)

F.   cannibalism

G.   using a lot of words

H.   descriptor (often disparaging)

I.   Joseph Bazalgette`s Thames project (2 wds)

J.   speeds, in music

K.   plains Indian dwelling

L.   Purim villain

M.   arterial obstruction

N.   metaphysical, transcendent

O.   weak or sentimental person

P.   be calm (colloq.; 2 wds)

Q.   Edmund Randolph, under Washington (2 wds)

R.   loose garment for a child

S.   karate hall

T.   repeatedly (3 wds)

U.   US polar explorer

V.   paid (colloq.; 2 wds)

W.   English county adjacent to Scotland

X.   speak frankly (2 wds)

Y.   blunder, faux pas

Z.   reciprocal pronoun (2 wds)