A little jumpy

by Phelps Gates


A.   inflammation of the mucus membrane, esp. of the nose

B.   typical cause of flight delay

C.   exuberant good humor (2 wds)

D.   official deodorant of the NBA (2 wds)

E.   career

F.   embarrassing situation (4 wds)

G.   informal photograph

H.   4th king of Judah; euphemistic oath

I.   horrified

J.   penguin species

K.   1972 Raquel Welch film about Roller Derby (3 wds)

L.   horse, esp. for riding

M.   alert (3 wds)

N.   Truffaut and Godard movement (2 wds)

O.   Canadian Indian tribes (3 wds)

P.   drive C, usually (2 wds)

Q.   flap of cartilage at entrance to windpipe

R.   cylinder of an engine (colloq.)

S.   obsolete (3 wds)

T.   smooth worsted fabric; shagreen

U.   US Congress (2 wds)

V.   canine comment

W.   Les Paul specialty (2 wds)

X.   effect of fertilizer leachate on a body of water

Y.   Russian painter, pioneer of abstract art

Z.   American polar explorer (d. 1951)

AA.   pseudonym (3 wds)

AB.   thoroughly; eventually (3 wds)