And the winner is . . .

by Phelps Gates


A.   Wilmer Cook and others

B.   promenade, typically beside water

C.   followed by G, "Give it a try!" (2 wds)

D.   follower of Habakkuk

E.   probability

F.   1996 Jon Krakauer book, later a film (3 wds)

G.   see clue C (2 wds)

H.   body of water between Somalia and Yemen (3 wds)

I.   piano-playing Tracy villain (2 wds, 1 hyph.)

J.   tirades

K.   Feingold or Tamblyn

L.   followed by O, Flannery O`Connor story collection
(5 wds)

M.   enumeration

N.   1978 film featuring an orangutan (5 wds)

O.   see clue L (2 wds)

P.   Wisconsin city named for a Menominee chief

Q.   item of clothing once made in P (2 wds)

R.   bypass, for example (3 wds)

S.   large casks

T.   Hardy title character

U.   largest lake in Florida

V.   large Great Lakes pike