Quote from a classic SF novel

by Roland Foster

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A.   Way to keep it cool, man!

B.   Turn to bone.

C.   Living light.

D.   Act like.

E.   Corrected.

F.   Adjective used with titmouse, puffin, or duck.

G.   Diamond-hard.

H.   Clues.

I.   _____ down.

J.   Corny state.

K.   Questioner, then follower, of Jesus.

L.   Word with Star or Ranger.

M.   Happenings.

N.   Kind of warfare the title book is about.

O.   At present.

P.   Dorothy`s song. (4)

Q.   Lure container.

R.   Change in order to improve.

S.   Shining brightly.

T.   Insecure; trembly.

U.   Partially decomposed organic matter.

V.   Undeniable.

W.   Anything observable.

X.   Many a plot has one or more.

Y.   Small stream.

Z.   Casually inconsiderate.

AA.   Projected or extended outward.

AB.   Diagnostic doctor.

AC.   Starting point of the title story.

AD.   Music beats.

AE.   Cried out.