Lawn Phenomenon

by Roland Foster


A.   Ray Stevens refrain (7)

B.   Sinclair Lewis short story (4)

C.   Persian`s kinsman

D.   Writer of "The Frogs", "The Clouds", and "The Birds".

E.   1980 AL MVP

F.   Song by Septimus Winner (9)

G.   Poem feature

H.   Liverpool hood

I.   Tim Burton movie (2)

J.   Peak

K.   "Santa Baby" songstress

L.   Peep

M.   Repetitious lawbreaker (2)

N.   Regard

O.   Most farinaceous

P.   Automaton

Q.   Frequent or habitual inattendance

R.   Pose

S.   Unreasonable belief

T.   Obligated

U.   Marshy condition

V.   Period following and in contrast to the Middle Ages

W.   Pop group (with "The")

X.   Effluent (2)

Y.   Crescent City dinner spot

Z.   I concede (2)

AA.   Small portion, esp. of text

AB.   All of us (2)

AC.   Scram (3)

AD.   January 1863 declaration

AE.   How things might be laid (3)

AF.   Typing exercise phrase (4)

AG.   Stop, already! (3)

AH.   Full of (2)

AI.   Misfit (3)

AJ.   British novelist and feminist (2)

AK.   Interior support structure

AL.   Town in California or Connecticut

AM.   Grand or petty thing

AN.   Intense indignation (2)

AO.   Ultrasound picture of the heart

AP.   Ongoing scientific quest

AQ.   Gas additive (2)

AR.   Rich favor (2)

AS.   Brief electrical storm

AT.   Beyond words

AU.   The first gold record (3)

AV.   W. C. Bryant poem

AW.   Be an accessory

AX.   Americas (2)

AY.   Preschool