Laughing Matter

by Roland Foster

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A.   Ecuadorian province (2)

B.   Where the White and Blue Niles meet

C.   One with a hearty appetite (2)

D.   UK airport

E.   Bacon or Emerson, for example

F.   Tommyrot (3)

G.   Tuscan trifle

H.   Doctrine antagonistic to class distinctions

I.   From Cannes to La Spezia

J.   The main thing (5)

K.   Superfluous

L.   Student of money

M.   Settlement

N.   Lurk (3)

O.   Equine foot affliction

P.   A usual specification for a superhero`s costume (2)

Q.   The angel who wrestled with Jacob "touched the hollow
of ______" (Genesis 32:25) (2)

R.   Sidney Poitier movie (6)

S.   "Hands off" policy

T.   Tumbler

U.   Marine outfitter (2)

V.   Shoshonean language

W.   Small opening

X.   Mechanism of evolution (2)

Y.   Gained a lap

Z.   Support system

AA.   Nile boat

AB.   ______ radiation

AC.   Shabby urchin

AD.   Noticeable; attractive

AE.   Phrase that may be used by those who are pleased
with certain events (3), or by those who are not (2)