
by Roland Foster


A.   Oxygenation apparatus (2)

B.   Andrew Carnegie: "The wise man puts all his ____."

C.   Town on Long Island Sound

D.   Velocity

E.   Jackie Kennedy: "He didn`t even have the satisfaction
of being killed for civil rights. ____." (8)

F.   Jules Verne classic (7)

G.   Abba Eban: "_____ once they have exhausted all the
other alternatives." (5)

H.   Cool

I.   Noisy, unruly

J.   Wrestler Mark Calaway (with "The")

K.   William Shatner: "Let`s react like America always
has - _____" (6)

L.   Arduous

M.   Starburst

N.   Finished; destroyed

O.   Old world bird noted for pretty plumage but stinky

P.   High-class porn

Q.   Rod Serling TV play and movie (4)

R.   Correct to excess

S.   Under way

T.   Transferable image

U.   Part that generally does not develop in trees grown
from cuttings or air-layering

V.   Pollyanna

W.   Extremity

X.   Persisting sensation

Y.   G. W. Bush`s schools (3)

Z.   Crowed

AA.   Flush, in a way (with "out")

AB.   Degree of success

AC.   Graduate student boon

AD.   South Pacific drink made from roots (2)