A Friend of Mine

by Roland Foster

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A.   Classic doll (2)

B.   Where numerous singers have sat (5)

C.   ATM charge, for example (2)

D.   Ray Stevens` broad generalization (3)

E.   Buy in quickly (2)

F.   Warm

G.   "42nd Street" invitation (10)

H.   International hotel chain

I.   That`s right

J.   Result of a leaky pen (2)

K.   What Sunny does when she`s blue (6)

L.   Pasta dish

M.   Insufficiently supported

N.   Film Producer, Director, Writer, Editor, Cinematographer,
Actor, and Miscellaneous Crew member

O.   The extra cookie in a baker`s dozen, for example

P.   Somethin` my mama done tole me (7, 1 hyph.)

Q.   Debase

R.   Debbie Boone`s extravagant praise (5)

S.   Like a deer in the headlights

T.   Where Grandma lives (7)

U.   Prodigy

V.   The beginning of Job`s lamentations (3)