Go Figure

by Roland Foster

  -     ,  

A.   Once

B.   Batman foe

C.   Clamant

D.   "Later!"

E.   Ms. Fields

F.   Manhattan`s hospital row (3)

G.   Direction

H.   Unimpressive

I.   Free

J.   Fractal scientist

K.   Beneficial adulterant

L.   Ultimate utterance (3)

M.   Instruction to Tom Dooley (4)

N.   Oil giant

O.   "Man of 1000 voices" (2)

P.   Plant lice

Q.   Poe story (4)

R.   Jovian satellite

S.   Knives and such

T.   Devious

U.   Physics field (2)

V.   Cuckoo, for example

W.   Anthropology field

X.   Member of a people living in southern Benin and
Togo and southeastern Ghana

Y.   Hoops exclamation (3)

Z.   Francis`s birthplace

AA.   Irrelevant or meaningless data

AB.   Batista, for one

AC.   Prominent figure with respect to U (2)

AD.   Marketing program excellence awards

AE.   Orange _____

AF.   The world`s smallest independent state (2)

AG.   Blimp

AH.   Game played by Catskills dwarves, per W. Irving

AI.   Intersection regulator (2)

AJ.   Made bony

AK.   Math conundrum solved in 1993 (3)

AL.   Gandalf`s mount

AM.   Full speed ahead

AN.   Middleman

AO.   Wordsmith

AP.   Intellectually-challenged one

AQ.   Tasty breakfast treat (2)

AR.   Brought about