ancient land, ancient shore

by Roy Goodman


A.   lack of diligence

B.   descend upon suddenly

C.   to the side most exposed to the elements

D.   a collection of related writings

E.   medical tubing

F.   a small part of the skeletal system

G.   swore to

H.   a tale of woe that wouldn`t garner much sympathy (2)

I.   trademark clause from Mr. Claus (3)

J.   computer connection

K.   miniaturized, or where one might keep such an object

L.   demanding and tenacious

M.   most sugary

N.   group of women with similar habits

O.   bought stocks or bonds

P.   Aztec language

Q.   landed a fish

R.   unearthly, delicate

S.   contiguous dwellings, often similar or identical (2)

T.   scourge of woolen garments

U.   low water, or on the way there (2)

V.   desired results from basketball shots

W.   the author, not the bush

X.   like some flying objects

Y.   deserted municipality (2)

Z.   worldly goods

AA.   bellicose