Ahead of her time

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Round ice cream dish

B.   Christmas Island location (2 wds.)

C.   Jeweler`s eye

D.   News gatherer

E.   City 20 miles east Los Angeles

F.   Controversial 1999 memoir

G.   Back of a five (2 wds.)

H.   Reversion of property to the state

I.   Forgo conveniences (2 wds.)

J.   French, e. g.

K.   Place for Speaker (3 wds.)

L.   Duke Ellington`s first and middle names, also first
and last names of politician

M.   "That was close!"

N.   Home of TV`s longest-running concert music show

O.   Consciousness

P.   Ex-AL manager and baseball equivalent of Heisman

Q.   Race to Nome

R.   Slangy refusal (2 wds.)

S.   Drift (4 wds.)

T.   Had a spat

U.   20s jazz label

V.   City 20 miles west of Boise

W.   Started a timepiece, in the old days

X.   What one Gore sang and another might have said (3

Y.   G or K

Z.   Fields role