Back in your own backyard

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Town at tip of Cape Ann, Massachusetts

B.   Having appropriate clothing or gear

C.   Face an unpleasant reality, figuratively (2)

D.   Change over time

E.   No matter what

F.   Followup to "When We Were Very Young" (4)

G.   Bum

H.   Like a root canal

I.   Andrews or Midler hit (4)

J.   Clumsy; embarrassing

K.   Braggadocio

L.   Driving away

M.   Soda fountain treat (2)

N.   Banana`s quality

O.   Mormon (3)

P.   North Carolina region, onetime Tuscarora reservation

Q.   Unwise

R.   Sooner or later

S.   Title song of 1961 movie starring Rita Tushingham (4)

T.   Author of "Great Lessons, Commandments To Strugglers,
The Patient and Holy Warriors" (2)

U.   Allen Sherman parody of S (4)

V.   Source of the advice "Oo ee oo ah ah ting tang walla
walla bing bang" (2)

W.   Expressed surprise and admiration (3)

X.   Whiskers style

Y.   In a skillful way

Z.   Country Music Hall of Fame site