Going with the flow

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Brief songs

B.   Most foolhardy

C.   8-over-pars, usually

D.   Response to a knock (3)

E.   Chanteur Maurice

F.   Bear witness

G.   Derange, as feathers

H.   Cause to grow pale

I.   Webstie whose first offering was entitled "Me at
the zoo"

J.   NYC utility`s former slogan (3)

K.   Comic-strip brick-tosser

L.   Home of Limbaugh and Coulter (2)

M.   Goody`s last name, in old children`s story (hyph.)

N.   All-time #1 pop song, per MTV and Rolling Stone

O.   Children`s magazine since 1938 (3)

P.   Not a contender (3)

Q.   Coyly playful

R.   Copy

S.   Private eye

T.   Artillery type

U.   Pasta piece

V.   Petula Clark hit

W.   Rock group named for gang in Woody Guthrie`s "Bound
for Glory" (2)

X.   Military formation type

Y.   Food whose name means "seasoned with chili"

Z.   Ransacking