The art of the segue

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Kibitzer and maven source

B.   Beat classic (3)

C.   Eternal

D.   Old-style 9-iron

E.   In an exaggerated or repellent way

F.   Muslim scholar; civilian clothing

G.   Half of most teams` schedules (2)

H.   Sib`s son

I.   Ballroom dance (hyph.)

J.   Wipe out

K.   Prostrate oneself; act obsequiously

L.   Advocate

M.   Oil Can Harry`s nemesis (2)

N.   Response to a dare (3)

O.   Monterey raceway (2)

P.   Humiliation

Q.   Faithfulness

R.   Tendency to run down

S.   Most terse

T.   Enzyme needed to digest milk

U.   Wipe out

V.   Country between Russia and Iran

W.   Well-known department store

X.   Type of visor