Novel method of being a typical parent

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Unamplified

B.   Diminish

C.   Malevolent title character of Goethe poem

D.   Like many opponents of immigration

E.   Got off; landed

F.   Cactus parts served with huevos or carne

G.   Some violin strokes

H.   Spreading unchecked

I.   Godlike

J.   Most gross

K.   1967 Pulitzer prize-winning novel (5)

L.   Rare earth element named for a Swedish village

M.   Loser`s demand, sometimes

N.   Fish with a tale?

O.   Symptom of motion sickness or morning sickness

P.   Circular room or building

Q.   Exceed one`s proper limits

R.   Indian school of medicine

S.   Ali`s trainer Angelo; Scottish city

T.   Restrain

U.   Chemicals used in explosives and fertilizers

V.   Pointy beard

W.   1982 Academy Award winner for Best Actress (2)

X.   Rabbis` alma maters

Y.   Gay

Z.   Protector against viruses

AA.   Shinbone

AB.   Census unit

AC.   Much desired

AD.   Couch potato`s necessity