But you`re way ahead of me

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Category in which two Academy Awards were given
annually from 1939 to 1967

B.   Extremely avant-garde style

C.   Act of making young again

D.   Based on logical interpretation of observed phenomena

E.   Makes a swift, rustling movement

F.   Loquacious

G.   Bikini size, in song (4)

H.   Planned in advance

I.   Like a man biting a dog

J.   Feature of personalized stationery

K.   Fragrance-based treatment

L.   Queasy

M.   Despondent

N.   Deliberate repetition for emphasis

O.   What the above is an example of

P.   Measure

Q.   Worker in the skin game

R.   Too grim to contemplate

S.   In addition

T.   Diagram of a process

U.   Christie specialty

V.   Line opposite a right angle

W.   In an unlikely manner

X.   From that time on

Y.   Come to pass

Z.   Laudable

AA.   Pass the summer

AB.   Most "Field and Stream" subscribers

AC.   Multicolored

AD.   Supple

AE.   Omnipresent

AF.   Lett`s neighbor

AG.   Move between

AH.   Typist`s unit

AI.   Career NFL rushing leader (2)