Handy man

by Roger Gabrielson


A.   Ladies` man

B.   And other things (2)

C.   Time off

D.   Chicken Little, e. g.

E.   "A man who judges of the world as it is that it
ought not to be, and of the world as it ought to be that it does not exist" - Nietzsche

F.   Bag ties

G.   Arrange in rows and columns

H.   Choose personally

I.   Elia, e. g.

J.   Designed for high-income consumers

K.   Lacking certain protuberances

L.   Beatles song beginning "You don`t realize how much"

M.   Lightning calculator (2)

N.   Business symbolized by three spheres

O.   Weirdos

P.   Process of getting back to a previous higher level

Q.   Fabled race winner

R.   Nervously excited

S.   Honeymooner

T.   Melon type

U.   Disappear gradually

V.   Like Little Annie

W.   Disappear gradually (2)

X.   Wide-ranging outfielder

Y.   Employing a variety of styles

Z.   Song that begins by calculating two to the fifth

AA.   Gas or liquid

AB.   Zounds alternative

AC.   Bad place for a fly

AD.   In-flight companion

AE.   Verse form the first example of which is said to
have been "Sir Humphry Davy/Abominated gravy/He lived in the odium/Of having discovered sodium"

AF.   Tavern

AG.   Changes the surface of a pool table