Poem #1

by Sol Gordon


A.   Lots of noise on this important Italian river (2

B.   Unknown person moving in the water (2 words)

C.   The tube that runs from the middle ear to the pharynx

D.   Political party of the Left in Israel

E.   Watch out for this nasty dog because .. ... ...
(3 words)

F.   Dangerous command of an officer in the trenches

G.   Choice morsels

H.   Reliable father (2 words)

I.   One who espouses the predominent influence over
another group or religion

J.   Playwright and poet of ancient Greece

K.   A hard lump on the skin, an imperfection

L.   Everything is just great all over, no problem (6

M.   Show the white flag

N.   The ground or soil in French

O.   Breakfast favorites all over America (2 words)

P.   Scary but beautiful phenomenon in the sky

Q.   Extreme motto of solidarity in a group (7 words)

R.   Movie produced on large West African river (2 words)

S.   Maneuvered to avoid horse drawn vehicle