French Writer

by Sol Gordon


A.   Lack of important nutrients in the human body (2

B.   Former popular tourist site in New Hampshire (5

C.   Place of experimentation

D.   Good description of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi , former
ruler of Iran overthrown by revolution (2 words)

E.   With no belief in any gods

F.   Healthy refreshing drink on a hot day, definitely
no calories (2 words)

G.   Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt all
have this in common. (2 words)

H.   Termination, finality (2 words)

I.   Possible side effect of an incorrect dosage of drug
used for various psychological disorders (2 words)

J.   He saw the wheel way in the middle of the air

K.   The Williams sisters are top pros in this sport

L.   Message from people in desperate situations, such
as mine disasters. (2 words)

M.   Very important participant in a criminal trial.

N.   Inside the twenty yard line in football (2 words)

O.   Exhibited

P.   Remote place for a secret lovers rendezvous (5 words)

Q.   A loop with a running knot

R.   Inhabitants of Caribbean island bound together with

S.   Together, close association, description of lovers
walking together (3 words)

T.   A rumbling of tectonic origin

U.   Important measurement of a baseball pitchers effectiveness
(2 words)

V.   Describing crime fiction featuring hard-boiled cynical
characters and bleak sleazy settings

W.   Ordinary, commonplace, lettuce and tomatoes are
a clue (2 words)

X.   Author of a light humerous verse usually associated
with Ireland, Myrna Bernick of this site is a good example (2 words)

Y.   Bernstein and Woodward, for example (2 words)

Z.   Popular beer of Japan

AA.   To associate familiarly, slang for to hang around
with people usually of higher class.