Vacation anyone?

by Sol Gordon


A.   Christmas carol (4 words)

B.   Juvenile delinquent, maybe?? (2 words)

C.   Delay (3 words)

D.   What I do when some things are blocking my path
(4 words)

E.   "That item is yours from now on" (2 words)

F.   Entirely correct (2 words)

G.   Hurry up! (2 words)

H.   Visual representation

I.   A one-star film (4 words)

J.   The goal of every team in a league is to be .. .....
..... (3 words)

K.   Rather (2 words)

L.   Have the .... for

M.   Unprofitable (3 words)

N.   Expect no satisfaction from (3 words)

O.   Unable to manage (4 words)

P.   Take a while to think about (2 words)

Q.   A soothing expression, although you would never
guess it from the words used (2 words)

R.   A general pardon

S.   Absolutely not!! (2 words)

T.   Direction of Sherman`s march through Georgia (3

U.   Servile flattery

V.   Nixon made an appearance on this comedy TV show
during the 1972 campaign

W.   Mr. Stone of all those conspiracy movies

X.   Receive money as a loan again

Y.   Slang for an intellectual

Z.   Knowledgeable about, slang