Father`s Advice

by Sol Gordon


A.   Indispensable part of a car (2)

B.   Jazz pianist of the fifties - wrote "Misty"

C.   Avowal; adjuration

D.   Pharaoh of the 20th Dynasty

E.   Father of rocketry in the United States

F.   Synonym for ethanol (2)

G.   Oklahoma Indian

H.   Sop up; swallow

I.   Duds cleansing (2)

J.   Citizen in Nairobi

K.   Lofty; high

L.   Without provision for cars (2)

M.   Maryland suburb northwest of DC

N.   Not as much as (2)

O.   If not; or else

P.   Request to server on how to serve the salad dressing

Q.   Grief; sorrow

R.   Opposite view of the issue under consideration (5)

S.   Agnostic

T.   Old television kinescopes (3)

U.   Treetop birdhouse (2)

V.   Bahama island named after the Greek word for freedom

W.   Aurora; dawn

X.   Safely stored away in a bank or cemetary (3)

Y.   Onslaught; clash

Z.   Substantiation

AA.   What to do with your boat; round (3)

AB.   Abomination; enemy

AC.   Middle Eastern flat bread

AD.   This word, used genitively to describe a "rose,"
in fact describes a hibiscus