Dishonest Drug Dealing?

by Sol Gordon


A.   Region of Africa comprising the coastlands of Morocco,
Tunisia and Algeria

Information, often false, spread for political purposes

C.   Drunk

D.   Head honcho; top dog

E.   Ten-year wanderer after the Greek-Trojan War

F.   Andrew Lloyd Webber song from "Aspects of Love" (3)

G.   Displaying nobility

H.   German myth about destruction of the gods in battle
with evil

I.   All words used in a particular language

J.   Cut, clip (as a book)

K.   Progressive degeneration of body tissue

L.   Chrisopher Guest mockumentary of 1996 (3)

M.   Popular vaudeville comedian, later with his own
TV show (2)

N.   Second largest freshwater body of water lying entirely
within the U.S. (2)

A colorless bodily fluid that acts to prevent infections

P.   Muslim dynasty that ruled Egypt and Syria in the
12th and 13th centuries

Q.   Common European bird with a cheerful song

R.   Warn or reprimand forcefully (4)

S.   Creative

T.   Gave out confidential information

U.   Irritating browser pop-up (2)

V.   D.C. marchers of 1893 (2)

W.   Carpet named for the city in England where it is

X.   Task done in a furtive, crooked manner (2)

Y.   Latvian

Z.   Bona fide ownership interest (2)

AA.   Portrayer of Prof. Higgins in a musical based on
a G.B. Shaw play (2)

AB.   Real fake (2)

AC.   Quality of being unrefined or coarse