Economic Realities

by Sol Gordon


A.   One in a pleasant situation, but trapped (5)

B.   Too old (3)

C.   Commanding no attention (3)

D.   Norwegian currency units

E.   California national park near the Oregon border

F.   Two, Four, Six, Eight

G.   Clear; bright

H.   Blockhead; nitwit

I.   Relax (2)

J.   French-speaking region of Belgium

K.   Quickly passing

L.   Outrageously evil

M.   Pointless paperwork (2)

N.   Format electronic data according to a standard format

O.   Pale yellowish white

P.   Old fashioned carpet cleaner

Q.   Impulsive

R.   Monday in Mexico

S.   Room directly under the roof

T.   Disappear in a liquid

U.   System for exchanging favors (3)

V.   Lustrous

W.   Cape

X.   Eliminate from the body

Y.   College in Crawfordsville, Indiana

Z.   Denunciation

AA.   Exalted; glorious

AB.   Displaying great diversity

AC.   Hot-tempered; prone to anger

AD.   Lethargic

AE.   Antiquated

AF.   Sailing close to the wind

AG.   Not religious

AH.   Conscious

AI.   Minor dispute

AJ.   Stop the course of a trend (3)