How could ya?

by Frank Podosek

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A.   Domination by women

B.   One of the groups which form a peptide bond

C.   Not sanctified

D.   Didn`t work

E.   Tooth specialist

F.   Captivating

G.   Teased

H.   Know by inspiration

I.   Essential accompaniment

J.   Water of life

K.   Small antelope (hyph.)

L.   A thing less important than a triumph

M.   Thoroughfare infrastructure

N.   System in which water freezes at 491.67 degrees (2)

O.   Where Ronald Reagan said Marxism-Leninism would
end up (3)

P.   Mean dwelling

Q.   Jeered

R.   Professed

S.   Palliated

T.   Thirteen Wiccans

U.   True colors

V.   Australian ornamental tree (2)

W.   It fielded the first jet fighter

X.   Pamtomime

Y.   Hooligans

Z.   Design magazine (2)

AA.   Slipknot loop

AB.   Minimally effortful

AC.   Exhibiting unjustified confidence (4)

AD.   Cheap digs (2)

AE.   Member of a fraternal organization (2)

AF.   Oval-shaped marine vertebrate

AG.   Churchill Downs event (2)

AH.   Acknowledge defeat (4)

AI.   Transplant adjunct

AJ.   Zeus lay with her on nine consecutive nights

AK.   For the most part

AL.   Flatbottom boat