My Name is Luca

by John Kiernan

  `     "    

A.   Sign on to

B.   Author of "Steal This Book" (Full name)

C.   Serious writer that braved Hollywood (Full name)

D.   It makes up the bulk of concrete

E.   The blood`s gas exchanger

F.   "Big Bad --" (L.A. swing band, 2 words)

G.   Do better in battle

H.   Zane Grey novel (4 words)

I.   Academy Award winning actress ("Bonnie and Clyde",
Full name)

J.   Type of small aircraft (2 words)

K.   Lecherous

L.   The opera world`s version of "Woodstock" (3 words)

M.   It can remove worms

N.   Type of Martial Art (derivation)

O.   Anglo-Saxon king known as "The Confessor" (Name
and numeral)

P.   "You live by -- die by it" (3 words)

Q.   Lee Strasberg`s most famous screen role (Full name)

R.   The three partners of Mo

S.   Tennyson`s most famous work (5 words, with "The")

T.   "-- Bleed" (Jesse Ventura bio, 4 words)

U.   Debbie Gibson song (2 words)

V.   It was a summer festival (2 words)

W.   Taking in the night life (4 words)

X.   Jean -- (Star of "Z" and "The Conformist", Middle
and Last Name)

Y.   Texas wit