Banana Republic Shopping

by John Kiernan


A.   What single people don`t want potential mates to
come with

B.   Late African-American senator from Massachusetts
(Full Name)

C.   "-- of negativisim" (Spiro Agnew, 2 words)

D.   Masticate

E.   Beatles song from `Revolver` (4 words)

F.   What Arlo was charged with in "Alice`s Restaurant"

G.   A sign of drunkenness (2 words)

H.   "-- the one you love" (the Marquis de Sade?, 3 words)

I.   Precedes `In America`, `In the West` and `In Mexico`
(4 words)

J.   Scheherezade had a lot of them

K.   John Mayer song from `Room for Squares` (5 words)

L.   "Life, Liberty ---" (5 words)

M.   Classic Poe tale (7 words)

N.   Someone lacking education

O.   Capone`s lieutenant

P.   "-- all shoppers"

Q.   Austrian statesman

R.   Animal most closely associated with compost

S.   Famous square in Philadelphia

T.   Christ`s next to last words (2 words)

U.   Description of the Marx Brothers` stateroom in `A
Night at the Opera`

V.   Aids

W.   From the German for `without intelligence`, a stupid
or silly person

X.   Malicious, usually from one female to another

Y.   Film where Philadelphia met Mississippi (6 words)

Z.   Cast a ballot in favor of (2 words)

AA.   The Springfield baseball team; atoms missing neutrons

AB.   First 5 words of "David Copperfield"

AC.   Cheap cigar