Movie Quote: The Membership Fee is Steep

by John Kiernan


A.   Author of "Leaves of Grass" (Full name)

B.   Morgue activity

C.   Yogi Berra`s real first name

D.   "-- Hot Lovers" (Neil Simon play, 4 words)

E.   "We can live for the moment --" ("Don`t Make Me
Love You", Christina Aguilera, 3 words)

F.   What a cornucopia represents

G.   1945 Judy Garland film (5 words)

H.   Saturday in Haifa

I.   Former Presidential Press Secretary (Full name)

J.   "Farewell, warrior! -- Drifting onward to thy grave."
(Hans Christian Andersen poem, 2 words)

K.   What Stevia is (2 words)

L.   "-- the snow in a one horse open sleigh" (2 words)

M.   Australian director of the quote`s film (Full name)

N.   2002 Jim Belushi film (3 words)

O.   A description of the return leg of the Twentieth
Century Limited

P.   Famous part of Michigan Avenue in Chicago (2 words)

Q.   Hitchcock`s milieu

R.   Native of Khartoum

S.   Literary work mentioned in this film, written by
author from Clue A (4 words)

T.   A type of brown sauce

U.   "Still --" (Maya Angelou poem, 2 words)

V.   Another description of a native of Minsk

W.   Notation found on sheet music (2 words)

X.   "Gather --" (famous Robert Herrick poem, 5 words)