Mostly capitals

by John Kiernan


A.   A Fort in Texas or an Avenue in Palm Beach

B.   Group of eight musicians

C.   Special --

D.   Tames

E.   Capital of Armenia

F.   Capital founded in 1550 B.C. by King Cecrops

G.   Capital first occupied by the Romans

H.   Its capital is Vilnius

I.   Said

J.   Claim of Rejakavik as a world capital

K.   Capital originally named Bytown for Lt. Col. John By

L.   Manila to Taipei direction

M.   Capital whose name is a combination of Latin and

N.   Country whose northern area became Eritrea

O.   Capital of Uzbekistan

P.   Capital of Ghana

Q.   Formerly the `administrative capital` of an African

R.   Important pending robbery

S.   Its capital is Sana`a

T.   Former capital that began its days as a penal colony

U.   Last word of FDR`s quotation about fear

V.   Someone much concerned about his dress and appearance

W.   Capital under enemy occupation in 1950