The Oppressed Majority

by John Kiernan

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A.   "-- Ropes" (2004 Meg Ryan boxing film, 2 words)

B.   Sad

C.   Dumbfound; boggle

D.   To scandalize again

E.   National Museum of -- (Part of the Smithsonian,
2 words)

F.   Stuntman and director Hal

G.   Ancient castle in Warwickshire, England; city in
New Jersey

H.   It comes before Brute (2 words)

I.   The Forbidden Island

J.   These three words precede "bad air" or "old"

K.   Louisiana city settled in 1713 that has a "sister
town" (slightly diff. spelling) that is the oldest town in Texas

L.   Evocative

M.   A type of insurance premium companies have to pay

N.   In a conventional or formal manner

O.   Go to bed (3 words)

P.   Hodgkin`s disease is this type of cancer

Q.   "-- my wit`s end!" (3 words)

R.   Tony Soprano`s daughter

S.   The Hindu "Song of God" (2 words)

T.   "And she saw two angels in white sitting, one at
the head and the other --, where the body of Jesus had lain." (John 20:12, 3 words)

U.   Not susceptible to measurement

V.   Inventor of barbed wire (Last name)

W.   He was succeeded by Frank Fitzsimmons (Last name)