Speed Crostic: On All Fours

by John Kiernan

Send me your time, we`ll post the winner!


A.   "The --" (John Leguizamo film)

B.   -- Martin

C.   Waffle brand

D.   Paramilitary police team

E.   The Eric that was crucified

F.   Levee

G.   Ms. Sommer

H.   One`s Blue, one`s White

I.   Elizabeth Taylor`s third husband

J.   Toby Zeigler`s son

K.   Twice said word that is the name of a BBC (and PBS)
WWII comedy

L.   Epithet often used by Charlie Brown

M.   1990`s version of "La Boheme"

N.   Gape

O.   Cape

P.   Salary add-on

Q.   Film director Martin --

R.   -- Bator

S.   Darn

T.   Church projection

U.   Almost, nearly

V.   Singer/songwriter Phil

W.   Childlike

X.   Buzzed

Y.   -- facto

Z.   It follows `F` on a camera

AA.   Sharpen

AB.   "-- burnt, twice shy"

AC.   " -- the High Country" (Peckinpaugh film)

AD.   Japanese beef

AE.   Remove a hat

AF.   Straddling the zenith

AG.   Creature of Nepalese folklore

AH.   Gulp whiskey