The Devil`s Dictionary #6: If It Doesn`t Fit...

by John Kiernan


A.   Theoretical or speculative without a practical purpose
or intention

B.   A vigil kept beside someone whose demise is imminent

C.   Avoid

D.   Riboflavin, niacin, or pyridoxine for example

E.   -- Bin Ein Berliner

F.   Neil Simon play that won a Pulitzer Prize (3 words)

G.   Disney comedy of 1959 remade in 2005 starring Tim
Allen (2 words, with "The")

H.   Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

I.   Off center

J.   1993 film starring Michael Douglas as an ex-engineer
(2 words)

K.   Site of the Trojan War; hip bone

L.   It`s nothing to Manchester United

M.   .1111 of a game

N.   Hines specialty

O.   One of two countries at war in Africa in 1935

P.   Examples include screech, buzz, murmur, frumpy,
and sizzle

Q.   Where the Addams family originally resided (2 words)