Freeze-Dried Knowledge

by John Kiernan

  "   "    

A.   Lee Krasner`s husband (full name)

B.   "Jesters do ___ prove prophets" ("King Lear")

C.   Famous intersection (3 words)

D.   Many `father and son` unions practice this

E.   Babylonian king

F.   Once in a while

G.   "__ give me the news" (from a Robert Palmer song,
2 words)

H.   Brokaw book (2 words, with "The")

I.   A hater of marriage

J.   How FDR described yesterday, on a particular Monday
(7 words)

K.   A governor of a province of the ancient Mogul empire,
now meaning a bigshot

L.   Official name of an annual gathering in Pasadena,
CA (4 words)

M.   Moroccan plain whose name means "stony desert" (with

N.   The quality of being fundamental

O.   Easily approached or entered

P.   Religion whose devotees pray to Jah

Q.   One instructed in the mysteries of a secret system

R.   Group that failed to reconstruct a certain fictional
character (9 words)

S.   A kind of large, coarse, short trousers formerly worn

T.   Part of the brain at the back of the head (2 words)

U.   Move restlessly

V.   Techno musician born Richard Melville Hall

W.   Old time Texaco advertising slogan (12 words)

X.   Description of the character referred to in Clue R

Y.   A person who doesn`t like foreigners

Z.   This can be found on the streets of Hong Kong

AA.   What you should avoid drinking at the Brewster household
in Brooklyn (2 words)

AB.   A type of auto top

AC.   Part of an engine cylinder (2 words)

AD.   Clueless

AE.   Chimney

AF.   Long time character actor (Chief Roaring Chicken)
and narrator for the "Fractured Fairy Tales" (full name)