Her Real Life

by Judy Miller


A.   Hardy`s Gabriel Oak

B.   Whatchamacallit

C.   Early term for the Internet (2)

D.   Our author`s 1995 novel (and well-used climbing
equipment?) (3)

E.   Object of ridicule

F.   Multi-tasked

G.   Demanded (or risked) more (3)

H.   Hans Christian Andersen prince-in-disguise

I.   Our author`s 1985 novel (and William Hurt favorite?)

J.   Large ornamental hybrid (2)

K.   Renovated

L.   Enmity (2)

M.   Included, just to be sure (5)

N.   Indigent

O.   Zoning designation

P.   Weakened

Q.   Our author`s 1988 novel (and Pulitzer Prize winner)

R.   Home to the highest waterfalls in North America (3)

S.   Encouraging phrase (4)

T.   Necessary

U.   Mournful spiritual sung by Sam Cooke in 1963 (6)

V.   Our author`s 1977 novel (and last will and testament
wording?) (2)

W.   Start of a Mad Hatter recitation (2)

X.   One of 73 former officers and sergeants of the British
Services (4)

Y.   Restricted

Z.   Seemingly

AA.   VCR feature (2)