Inalienable Rights

by Judy Miller


A.   End

B.   The Chukwu ___, born in Houston in 1998

C.   Laugh-In`s Dan and Dick (3)

D.   Eve`s other son

E.   Bullheadedness

F.   Aeronautical engineer and author whose novels are
categorized as Pre-War, War, and Australia (2)

G.   Sheen and Elwes in 1991 (2)

H.   Lacking clarity or eloquence

I.   Certain electronics button

J.   In a way unspecified (3)

K.   Recipient of help from a caseworker

L.   Harry`s owl

M.   Sprat no-no

N.   Glorify

O.   Disappointment

P.   Early symptom of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

Q.   Jackson`s home (2)

R.   Goodwill symbol (2)

S.   A frittata is one

T.   Brainchild of financial journalist Alfred W. Jones
in 1949 (2)

U.   Flimsy

V.   Laugh heartily

W.   Like some disorders