Uncommon Thanks

by Judy Miller

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A.   Focus of "Dead Man Walking" (2)

B.   Like some vacation rentals (hyph)

C.   Vitally important struggle (2, 1 hyph)

D.   With AM, spellbinding tongue twister (7)

E.   Put forth, in a way

F.   One viewed as old-fashioned (hyph)

G.   Commanding

H.   Red carpet, etc. (2)

I.   Like most scissors (hyph)

J.   Steven Pinker coinage that explains the use of "restrooms"

K.   Diminutive

L.   Did some pre-election volunteer work

M.   At the periphery (3)

N.   Newbery nuggets (2)

O.   Forsake

P.   Merrymaking

Q.   Jointly sponsored

R.   "No problem" (2)

S.   Reeves/Reeve prop (2)

T.   Seer

U.   At once

V.   Barrie setting (3)

W.   Part of most fences

X.   Oppressive (hyph)

Y.   Cause of conflict escalation (2)

Z.   Showed contempt

AA.   Tent brace (hyph)

AB.   Transplant VIP (4)

AC.   School store purchase (3, 1 hyph)

AD.   T`s specialty

AE.   Impromptu

AF.   Dopamine, e.g.

AG.   Loafer (hyph)

AH.   Highland schoolboys

AI.   Annoy the hosts, maybe (3)

AJ.   B side of Eric Clapton`s "Layla" (in more ways than
one) (3)

AK.   Momentous (hyph)

AL.   External factors aside (4)

AM.   See D (6)

AN.   Focus of OSHA guidelines on repetitive stress injuries

AO.   Fix things (3)

AP.   Obvious sign (2)