To Market, To Market

by Judy Miller


A.   Inspiration for a Disney bobsled ride

B.   Straitlaced

C.   Basis of an apprenticeship (2, 1 hyph)

D.   Disguise the source of

E.   Invasive weed that`s a nutrional powerhouse

F.   Strong dislike

G.   One result of poor urban planning (2)

H.   Faultless

I.   State militia (2)

J.   Sheer, embellished muslin (2)

K.   Spring altar blooms (2)

L.   Slugfest

M.   Level of command

N.   "Let`s get it done now" (5)

O.   Exhibitionist

P.   Charge (with a duty)

Q.   Scrap on the editing room floor

R.   Alternative to rolled-up newspaper

S.   Obstinate

T.   Temporary executive quarters after the burning of
the White House (2)

U.   1969 Richard Attenborough film based on a 1963 musical
satire of WWI (5)

V.   Boldly resists

W.   Johnny Mercer lyrics about the key to happiness,
1944 (3, 1 hyph)

X.   Part of early childhood education (2)

Y.   Broad-leaved endive

Z.   Vast and decisive conflict

AA.   "___ on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences" (3,
1 hyph)

AB.   Step up

AC.   ___ Coach or Motel

AD.   Band

AE.   "Miracle on 34th Street" setting

AF.   Pulitzer-Prize-winning novel by Philip Roth (2)

AG.   Tex-Mex snack

AH.   Confrontational (hyph)

AI.   Touch

AJ.   Type of duty (2)

AK.   Block passage (2)

AL.   Coziest

AM.   Alameda county seat