Song of the South--1

by Judy Miller


A.   Navigation system fill-in (2)

B.   Nursery need

"The jug on the ___ smiled at me" (Katherine Mansfield)

D.   Place of wretchedness and squalor

E.   Ready to play "Millionaire" (4)

F.   Occasion for good china (2)

G.   Example of literary journalism, by Tom Wolfe (4,
1 hyph, with "The")

H.   Faltering, in a way

I.   Essential goods or services

J.   2009`s Oscar-winner for Best Foreign Language Film

K.   Hymnal words from Fanny Crosby, 1909: "___ all glory
be Thine" (3)

L.   Baltic state

M.   Early Tom Cruise film (2)

N.   ASAP to the max

O.   Swell

P.   Pepperidge Farm offering

Q.   Repellent (hyph)

R.   Satisfy

S.   Diluted

T.   College catalog heading

U.   Biblical name associated with longevity

V.   Early focus of a hypnotist`s instructions

W.   Eeyore: "Welcome to my little ___ patch"

X.   "Yankee Doodle" porridge (2)

Y.   "After the Armada: ___ and the Struggle for Western
Europe" (2)

Z.   Subcategory under both Cooking and Wellness (2)

AA.   Candid

AB.   Showtime`s "___ of Tara" (2)

AC.   Stellar explosion

AD.   Inventor forced to defend his sewing machine patent,
1849-54 (2)

AE.   Some hospital annexes (2)

AF.   Large estuary on the east coast of Scotland (3)

AG.   Choice words (3)

AH.   German-Jewish political theorist who wrote "The
Origins of Totalitarianism" (2)

AI.   "This is the very ___ of love" ("Hamlet")

AJ.   "To a ___," by Robert W. Service ("On the tide you
ride head high") (2)

Like communities of concern to public health officials

AL.   Winner of the 1995 Oscar for Best Actor (2)