The Little Store--2

by Judy Miller


A.   Margaret Thatcher`s regal pronouncement of 1989 (5)

B.   Series of books, comics, and toys created for use
in play therapy

C.   Dawdles

D.   Oscar-nominated role for Christopher Plummer, 2009

E.   Outdoor hobby (or chore) (2)

F.   Hardware store offering to help with E

G.   Garbled

H.   Complaint treated by Doc Holliday

I.   "Too great ___ to repay an obligation is a kind
of ingratitude" (La Rochefoucauld)

J.   Best Song nominee by Cole Porter, 1936 (6)

K.   "Of course. No prob."

L.   Severe form of gingivitis (2)

M.   Jake`s "Brokeback Mountain" co-star

N.   Heading on a mortgage statement (2)

O.   Object of an obsession

P.   Federal judges take two (3)

Q.   Shared troubles

R.   ___ macaque

S.   Surefire out (2)

T.   Of doubtful authenticity

U.   Wrote an angry letter, e.g. (3)

V.   "Yo it`s just after 4th bell," per Lil iROCC Williams

W.   Legislature`s output

X.   Anne Shirley`s early home

Y.   Ravenous

Z.   "`___, child,` said the Duchess. `Everything`s got
a moral if only you can find it.`" (2)

AA.   Ethan Hawkes` debut novel, "The ___ State," 1996

AB.   Book of short stories by Henry James, 1896

AC.   Prepares for another user (2)

AD.   "Aha!" (3)

AE.   Small advantage

AF.   Larceny

AG.   1892 satire subtitled "A Play about a Good Woman" (3)

AH.   Focus of "Ghostbusters II"

AI.   Sam Adams offering: Imperial ___

AJ.   Vacuum flask

AK.   AG`s author (2)

AL.   "___ to Judgment: Talk Radio, Persuasion, and American
Political Behavior"

AM.   Mistaken