A Lament

by Judy Miller


A.   "Monty Python" ditty (also its singers, who eat
ham and jam and spam a lot) (5)

B.   Austin-based philanthropy that works to reduce extreme
poverty in rural Ethiopia (4)

C.   Repetitious; superfluous

D.   John Wayne`s sport in "Idol of the Crowds," 1937 (2)

E.   B, e.g.

F.   "O serpent heart hid with a flowering face!... Beautiful
tyrant! ___ angelical!" (Juliet)

G.   Completely destroyed

H.   Like many candles given as gifts

I.   Doodling need (2)

J.   Oscar nominee for "Pulp Fiction" (2)

K.   Asserted

L.   What Sherlock Holmes, Mr. Toad, and Indian Jones
all have in common

M.   "Well, it`s ___!" (overdue) (2)

N.   "Youth, large, lusty, and loving . . . . Do you
know that Old Age may come after you, with ___ grace, force, fascination?" (Whitman)

O.   Barenaked Ladies` 1993 daydream (6)

P.   Fukushima structures much in the news in 2011 (2)

Q.   One tiebreaker format (2)

R.   Foremost

S.   National Cancer Institute director Harold Varmus`s
undergrad major (2)

T.   Large salmon

U.   Microblog

V.   Left alone, in a way

W.   #1 hit for Peaches & Herb, 1978

X.   Exchanged

Y.   #1 hit by Procol Harum, 1967 (5)

Z.   Warning words (7)

AA.   Astute

AB.   Urging on

AC.   Android, e.g. (2)

AD.   "Lord of the Rings" elf-prince ___ Bloom

AE.   Settled

AF.   "None of your business!" (2)

AG.   Complained

AH.   Possible result of West Nile Virus

AI.   Took care of (2)

AJ.   Pooh lament (2)

AK.   Sit like Melville`s scrimshaw carvers (2)

AL.   Bare naked (3)

AM.   German philosopher, 1788-1860

AN.   David McCullough`s biography of the young Teddy
Roosevelt, 1981 (3)

AO.   Ballad proposed but defeated in 2006 as the Virginia
state song (2)

AP.   Southernmost Caribbean island

AQ.   Mexican sandal

AR.   Weighed down

AS.   Certain decelerator