
by Judy Miller


A.   Lures

B.   Basis of many school dress codes

C.   Two-fold

D.   Musical notations

E.   Massage warm-up

F.   Best Picture and Best Director (Capra) film in 1938

G.   Luster

H.   "The ___: An Underwater Frontier" (2)

I.   "I am not a politician, and my other ___ are good"
(Artemus Ward)

J.   Level-headed

K.   Like Truman, Clinton, and Obama (hyph)

L.   "___! Across Alaska in the World`s Longest Sled-Dog

M.   Like Mickie and Minnie

N.   "A little ___ may breed mischief" (Ben Franklin)

O.   Eeyore favorite

P.   Mourning position (hyph)

Q.   Nonspecific term for joint pain

R.   Nijinsky leap

S.   Beset by conflict

T.   U2`s first #1 single in the U.S. ("I can`t live") (4)

U.   Index entry in "Bodybuilding 101"

V.   Improves

W.   Small, brightly colored swoopers

X.   Divert

Y.   #1 Hot Country Song for Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffet,
2003 (4)

Z.   Help in the dark (hyph)

AA.   Not too bright

AB.   Scientist studying the interaction of human society
and nature (or, our protagonist, e.g.)

AC.   Part of Jimmy Durante`s sign-off

AD.   "Histoire de Babar: le petit ___"

AE.   Dole

AF.   Part of a "Guys and Dolls" measure

AG.   "We the people . . . do ordain and ___"

AH.   "The Soul of New Orleans: A Legacy of ___" (3)

AI.   AL`s fourth novel, 1978 (5)

AJ.   Men`s outfitter

AK.   Christian sacrament

AL.   New England author and Oscar-winning screenwriter (2)

AM.   Harsh

AN.   Mythological beauty

AO.   Shimmers

AP.   OR option (2)

AQ.   Year the National Geographic Society was founded
and the Washington Monument was opened to the public (2, 1 hyph)

AR.   Knotts at his best

AS.   Carefree

AT.   "The King of Soul" to many (2)

AU.   Like some odds

AV.   Ordinary (hyph)