Hungry, anyone?

by Judy Miller


A.   civil obligation (2 wds)

B.   gift for Santa (2 wds)

C.   "Little" Oscar winner

D.   Barrymore/McQueen flick, 1958 (4 wds)

E.   recordkeeper of sorts

F.   shih tzu, e.g.

G.   vegan baking aid (2 wds)

H.   14th-century ruler (2 wds)

I.   MI5ers

J.   hearing aid

K.   captivators

L.   require

M.   thwarted

N.   onset

O.   World War I troop booster

P.   dumb bunny

Q.   nudity

R.   it can be dramatic or tragic

S.   obscure

T.   degree man`s other gig (2 wds)

U.   evident

V.   Malaysian "person of the forest"

W.   how Einstein spoke?

X.   hubble-bubble

Y.   shadow

Z.   cow lick problem (2 wds)

AA.   morphine role models

AB.   Misty`s home

AC.   closet-dweller`s specialist?

AD.   Fala`s memoirs? (5 wds)

AE.   easy (3 wds)

AF.   girder

AG.   he sang Wagner? (2 wds)

AH.   Aristotle did it

AI.   wrong

AJ.   fire starters (2 wds)

AK.   Forrest`s bookmark (2 wds)

AL.   Gandalf, e.g.

AM.   balmy

AN.   subway token (2 wds)

AO.   Linney to Ruffalo (and v.v.) (5 wds)

AP.   reward for good behavior (2 wds)

AQ.   Cooper role (2 wds)

AR.   observe

AS.   composition

AT.   means of escape (2 wds)

AU.   dried crocus stigma

AV.   ordinary

AW.   form of corporal punishment

AX.   opprobrium

AY.   desert

BZ.   excuse of tardiness

.   compact entertainment (3 wds)

.   inscriptions

.   quintessential

.   clean

.   sound barriers

.   brand of soap

.   infectious agent

.   Omidyar and Skoll creation

.   railing

.   conduits

.   Peter Dinklage role (2 wds)

.   cookware (2 wds)

.   "super" villain (2 wds)

.   Comrades Marathon (3 wds)

.   popular spread

.   type spacers

.   early Eastwood

.   purported

.   overdue