Remembrance of Things Past

by Judy Miller


A.   Steinbeck`s "sick sense of failure" (2 wds)

B.   Chronicle Marathon starting place

C.   fresh-cut (hyph)

D.   Bruce`s favorite brand of battery?

E.   the end of the day

F.   crucial connector

G.   fixed (hyph)

H.   "That one word ___, hath slain ten thousand Tybalts."

I.   Kotzebue residents

J.   camaraderie

K.   offshore current

L.   old margarine slogan (5 wds)

M.   Joanne Woodward film (8 wds; part hyph)

N.   socialized

O.   reflected sunlight

P.   give the wrong impression

Q.   stress

R.   Hamlet had it? (4 wds)

S.   Queen of Hearts rant (4 wds)

T.   Disney cast him as a fox (2 wds)

U.   taxi driver`s query? (4 wds)

V.   Tories, these days (2 wds)

W.   Hunter Thompson`s "savage journey to the heart of
the American dream" (6 wds)

X.   boorishly

Y.   small crustacean

Z.   dwindling

AA.   berry-picking followup? (2 wds)

AB.   aka hyperkinesis

AC.   flavored with a lot of little green snippets

AD.   childlike

AE.   near miss (4 wds)

AF.   (con)fusion of two Douglas Adams handbooks (5 wds)

AG.   inventor`s cry of delight (4 wds)

AH.   some sidewalk surfaces (2 wds)

AI.   Mel Gibson as a foreign correspondent, 1982 (5 wds)

AJ.   filled with courage

AK.   Faulkner "reminiscence" (with "The")

AL.   some freed slaves did this (3 wds)

AM.   entangle (var)

AN.   snowshoes

AO.   "any color so long as it`s black," e.g. (2 wds)

AP.   Geraldine Page and John Heard journey, 1985 (3 wds,
with "The")