Sweeper of the Stairwell

by Judy Miller


A.   convicted felons do it (2 wds)

B.   Itasca State Park`s claim to fame

C.   many a one is buried in Flanders Field (2 wds)

D.   reassurance to dieters stepping on the scale (5 wds)

E.   French pantomime character

F.   camp activity (3 wds)

G.   some people can`t tolerate it

H.   the core of HUD`s mission (2 wds)

I.   leave this place in a hurry (5 wds)

J.   everlasting

K.   Fulbright was one in 1925 (2 wds)

L.   a New York Times Notable Book of 1999 (by Martin
Booth, with "The", 3 wds)

M.   summertime beverage (2 wds)

N.   panacea

O.   Heyerdahl`s raft (2 wds, 1 hyph)

P.   endeavor

Q.   not worth the hangover

R.   one of several honors bestowed on our author/work
(3 wds)

S.   ___ at Étretat (Monet, 1883, 2 wds)

T.   kind of search

U.   part of the First Amendment (8 wds)

V.   Perry White, for example (3 wds)

W.   early Cruise (2 wds)

X.   church committee

Y.   reality-based, don`t-attempt-this-at-home TV (2 wds)

Z.   ABBA on Broadway (2 wds)

AA.   reason to visit the dentist (2 wds)

AB.   extravagant

AC.   this should be sufficient (5 wds)

AD.   compilation

AE.   Reggae confession (4 wds)

AF.   kid`s fun before Legos (2 wds)

AG.   "If we practice an eye for an eye and a tooth for
a tooth, ___" (Gandhi, 9 wds)

AH.   Edison on sleep (4 wds)

AI.   expendable fictional character

AJ.   Goedel go-withs (2 wds)

AK.   snow day, for example (2 wds)

AL.   model

AM.   shade of blonde

AN.   team frisbee

AO.   General Mills favorite (3 wds)

AP.   parents might tell their children to stay here (2

AQ.   many good things are done this way (3 wds)

AR.   "whenever" (3 wds)