Tunnel Vision

by Judy Miller


A.   Over here

B.   Nile city

C.   West Coast national park

D.   Often the most appealing of the litter

E.   It floats! (2)

F.   Know-how

G.   Erstwhile gateway to Buckingham Palace, then Hyde
Park (3)

H.   A sheep`s is divided

I.   Subject of a cliched come-on

J.   Like a bunsen burner or diesel engine (or Word AE)

K.   (Real) First name in folk music trios

L.   Repudiates

M.   Emulate Wyatt Earp

N.   Barbarous implement?

O.   Show disapproval

P.   Sun screen

Q.   Steeped

R.   News

S.   "Explain" (2)

T.   Type of macaque

U.   Apparatus

V.   Lightest metal

W.   Clue

X.   Rubberneck follow-up

Y.   City on Cayuga Lake

Z.   Apparent

AA.   Paid attention to

AB.   "America`s Finest News Source" (2)

AC.   "Silence is deep as ___" (Carlyle)

AD.   Hoodlum

AE.   Former British colony in Africa

AF.   Far from weak

AG.   Sudden euphoria

AH.   One unlikely to be elected U.S. president

AI.   ___ oblige

AJ.   Spinning tool

AK.   In the past, it was often paid in kind

Topography requiring special landscaping or construction

AM.   Lures

AN.   Mary Wollstonecraft, e.g.

AO.   Rocky Balboa, e.g.

AP.   Lustrous fabric, often stiff

AQ.   Statement

AR.   Unkempt

AS.   Develop

AT.   "Love ___" (New Testament) (2)

AU.   "How are the mighty ___" (Old Testament)

AV.   "I hear you" (sl) (2)

AW.   At last

AX.   Myrtleberry

AY.   Small shoulder bag

BZ.   Light purple

.   Lack of care